Tetrabromobisphenol A
CAS No:79-94-7Molecular StructureSamples
EINECS No:201-236-979-94-7 PIC-2.jpg79-94-7 PIC-3.jpg
Molecular Formula:C15H12Br4O2
Molecular Weight:543.87
Density:2.1 g/ml at 20 °C
Physical Properties:Tetrabromobisphenol A appears as a gray white powder; Soluble in methanol and ether, insoluble in water.
Applications:Tetrabromobisphenol A is used as a flame retardant in industries such as plastics, rubber, textiles, fibers, and paper. It is also used in resins such as epoxy,   polycarbonate, polyester, phenolic, and ABS, providing products with good   flame retardancy and self extinguishing properties.